Helium Console and the Power of Labels  


Other 3 years ago
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Use Console to harness the power of the largest LoRaWAN network in the US. It’s available for free and you can sign up here.

When designing Console we had to consider a wide range of users, from the hobbyist with a dozen devices to large enterprises with tens or hundreds of thousands across multiple regions and everyone in between.

We needed to build Console with flexibility, scalability, but also ensure it was intuitive for a wide range of users.

Doing more with Labels

After many discussions both internally and with customers we decided on using Labels to manage devices. Think of Labels as the super glue that binds capabilities to devices in Console.

The first reason most users deploy Labels is to organize and manage devices. But many soon realize Labels are immensely more powerful. Essentially any key action a user needs to perform on devices requires Labels for example:

Sending device data to an endpoint via an Integration.

Applying a Function to device data to decode payloads.

Let’s start with the most straightforward use case: using Labels to organize and manage devices.

Organize and manage devices

With the largest LoRaWAN network in the US and soon to launch Hotspot sales internationally, it would have been impossible for us to design for the types of devices both current or future that would use this network.

We needed to build Labels in a way that made them intuitive for users, but also flexible and scalable to support a universe of connected devices from environmental sensors, trackers, actuators, and many others.


  • Device data
  • Scalability
  • Labels
  • Console
  • Enterprise