Joined: 22.01.2022   
Vincent Lee             
in Blockchain since 2018
Varieties with strong cold resistance such as spiny seed spinach or sharp leaf spinach should be selected for planting winter spinach. The climate conditions of cold season and short sunshine are very suitable for the growth of spinach. Spinach has good cold resistance and can spend it safely even in cold winter. Harvest can be started when it is 20cm long. It can be put on the market about 40 days after sowing from August to early October, 70-80 days after sowing in mid and late October, and 25-30 days after OVERWINTERING SPINACH returns to green.
Keep the towel moist, then put it in a place with appropriate temperature to promote germination, and wait for small white buds to emerge from the seeds. Sprinkle the seeds in the vegetable pot and cover it with soil 2-3 times the thickness of the seeds. Choose fresh and high-quality carrots (the one you eat at home). Cut off the carrot head with a knife, about 3cm. If the vessel has a certain height, you can cut the carrot higher.
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