Joined: 26.01.2019   
Cura Network             
in Blockchain since 2018
A global decentralized health system comprising of entities collaborating and sharing data with each other to promote, restore or maintain health.
  • Health records
  • Healthcare
  • Database
  • Health industry
  • Blockchain
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Health benefits of apple
🍎Protects Your Heart
🍏Boosts Brain Health
🍎Helps You Lose Weight
🍏Lowers Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
🍎Fights Cancer

Eat more apples.

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You can double your happiness today by being honest with your pain and anger.
Don’t hold your pain.
Don’t hold your anger.
Don’t hide your shortcomings.

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This article contains 7 COVID-19 myths that traveled faster than the disease.

We followed each COVID-19 myths with the fact and a little piece of advice on what you should do to stay safe.

We... found myth 6 most deadly.

Which of these myths did you fall for?

Watch the video below.

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Not the passion for technology, but for life and your health.

You deserve the best healthcare and we believe it begins with fast access to medical records.

Follow us to learn more...

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Our heart goes out to those who have lost loved ones to COVID-19. And to those who are currently infected with the disease, we pray that you recover on time to join us in this fight.

In his letter to o...ur employees, partners and worldwide audience (see the letter at the bottom) the CEO of Cura Network; David Uadiale, called on everyone to join in the fight by doing all they can to do. In his words.

…there is hope. Let us do the needful. Observe social distancing, Stay at home (watch Netflix, play video games, play board games, learn a skill online if you can, cultivate new good habits, find a way to help others that do not have much, provide useful information that can help the general public and authorities, sleep, eat), Wash your hands and sanitize regularly, Do not self medicate, Do not spread fake news, Self-isolate or reach out for medical assistance if you’re feeling some symptoms.

Above business, the health of our employees is paramount. That is why as of March 23, 2020, all employees of Cura Network were mandated to work from home. To help our employees do this seamlessly, funds were made available to make staying at home easy for them. Also, a message was sent to all our employees through our corporate communication channels on all the safety measures they must take.

Immediately COVID-19 became a major issue in Nigeria, our development team paused work on all ongoing projects to jump on working on a tool that will help users and health agencies ride through this storm. To this end, we have built a web tool that will provide an all-in-one platform for accurate reporting, live updates, and data visualization for the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our social media effort has also shifted to collaborating with NCDC in sharing only accurate news about the disease and helping to spread hope and love while everyone stays at home.

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Remembering to fill and take drugs as instructed is becoming difficult for most people.

We believe technology can help in solving this.

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The global IoT market is exploding, and the healthcare industry has a part in it.

According to Statista, there will be 30.73 billion IoT devices by 2020, and the healthcare industry is currently respon...sible for 6% of these numbers.
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