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Grand Balance Growth Prizes: iPhone 11 Pro Max + DDKoin Rewards
Daily Quick Competition - the very last trade per 30 min period wins the prize of 4 to 6 DDK x 4 times a day!
Terms & Conditions:
- To be eligible to participate in Overall (full competition term) win a prize in buying competition person must buy at least 2000 of DDK.
- Anyone with over the starting money of 2,000 DDK is entered into the prize pool. The winner of Grand Competition takes iPhone 11 PRO Max + 100 DDK — with the other winners collecting a share of the pool.
- The participant who bought the most of DDK coins during the competition ( min. 2000 DDK) wins the prize of the current round and the amount counts till April 9th for the grand prize competition.
e.g. Participant1 bought 12,000 DDK during March 9th - March 19th and kept buying after March 19th till April 8th and have bought a total of 16,000 DDK.
e.g. Participant2 bought 8,000 DDK during March 9th - March 19th and kept buying after March 19th till April 8th and have bought a total of 8,700 DDK.
- One person can participate with one account only and with a chance to win the prize in only one of three rounds + Grand prize.
- Only bought DDK coins will be counted to win a prize, deposited DDK coins are not counted for prizes.
- Final calculation will be made on the 9th of April, if a person does have fewer coins than he bought during the competition, only the final balance of bought DDK coins will be counted.
e.g. Participant3 bought 11,000 DDK during March 19th - March 29th, after Mar. 29th the participant has traded his DDK balance from 11,000 DDK to 9,500 DDK till 9th of April, so his final balance is 9,500 DDK for Grand prize competition.
- Rewards will be distributed within 3 hours after the competition ends.
- Register at ExMarkets.com to join the competition and grab prizes! https://exmarkets.com/
- Competition Link: https://exmarkets.com/ddk