Joined: 22.10.2020   
Silvering Precious Metals LLC             
in Blockchain since 2014
The market value of the Silvering token (SLVG) may vary on a daily basis, depending on the international price of silver.
The growth in demand for silver in many sectors, such as, medicine, solar energy, has created liquidity in the silver market.
The Silvering token (SLVG) provides purchasing power, stability and a shield against inflation or hyperinflation. It is a portable, divisible, tangible, and enduring store of value.
Silvering token is a secure and transparent investment.
Silvering makes buyback offer every day 5% from all circulation supply of SLVG on daily currency basis.
Selling price: daily silver currency +5% fee
Buying price: daily silver currency -5% fee
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  • Precious metal
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Silver
  • Crypto investment
  • Stablecoin
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List your BSC token on the bEUBIExchange for FREE!

- Token name, ticker and contract
- project website
- Project description
- Min. 3 social... channels
- email address
- Project leader or team member name and personal email address
- Logo

Send application to or email addresses.
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EUBI holds a giveaway for all bEUBI's Pancakeswap liquidity pool providers. Liquidity providers as a percentage of their holdings in the bEUBI liquidity pool will receive part of $100 worth BNB (Smart Chain). F...or example who will hold 10% from bEUBI liquidity pool, will get $10 worth BNB (Smart Chain). Above this giveaway, all liquidity providers will receive every month $0.4 worth BNB (Smart Chain) for every their LP token. Next payout will be on 1.november 2021.

Add liquidity to

List of bEUBI liquidity providers (Pancake token holders)

Informations about bEUBI liquidity pool
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New EUBI Exchange
3 years ago


EUBI's investment portfolio has been expanded with new business. EUBI Exchange is a crypto-to-crypto exchange that allows users to instantly swap cryptos without any limits. EUBI Exchange is powered by ChangeNO...W. The user interface of EUBI Exchange is so simple and intuitive that even a novice trader can swap cryptos instantly without any hassle. More than 220 coins were listed on the exchange including a large number of lesser-known ERC20 tokens. The EUBI Exchange offers its services to members worldwide and the website now supports English and Spanish languages. More languages are expected to be added in the near future. It is a very safe platform. EUBI Exchange does not provide an integrated wallet to store user’s funds. Also, the exchange does not expect any kind of personal information from users in order to swap cryptos. Hence, it does not store users information on its server
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How to Buy Bullion
3 years ago


We accept cryptocurrencies!

1. Add Items to the Shopping Cart

2. Select Pick-up, Sipping or Vault Storage in the Checkout

3. Place Your Order ...

4. Make Payment

5. Pick Up Your Bullion or Control Your Bullion Online. Sell or Withdraw Anytime

About Us
BullionStar Partner is an affiliate partner of BullionStar.

BullionStar Partner is owned by Silvering Precious Metals LLC.
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EUBI token was listed on Highpay-Pool platform where everyone are able to mine easely from any home desktop. is a crypto-based platform you can earn and exchange cryptocurrencies.
You can mine cryptocurrencies via our javascript web-miner and payout directly to your FaucetPay account or to your personal wallet.

Beside mining, everyone can exchange EUBI token to BTC, ETH, BitcoinCash, Dash, LiteCoin, Monero, MINTME plus 10 other cryptocurrencies.

Read reviews about

About EUBI token

1 EUBI token (EUBI) represents 0.00001% stake of EUB Insurance LLC investments.
Every month in 2021, each EUBI token owner will receive a profit share for all activities of EUB Insurance LLC. Payment will be made in MINTME to the EUBI owner's Mintme web wallet. All payments will be made within 8 days of the reference month.

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Buy Gold & Silver with Crypto

Buy, trade and store gold and silver with bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. We accept Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin. Simply select your desired cryptocurrency, ...add your preferred items to the cart and go to the checkout.

Sell Gold & Silver – Get Paid in Bitcoin or other Cryptos

It’s quick and simple to sell your bullion for Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash or Litecoin. Just select your desired cryptocurrency and input your crypto address on the sell checkout page.

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Gold - Silver - Bars - Coins

10 Grams of FREE Silver on Sign Up!

Sign up here:

We accept cryptocurrencies!

Saving programs

- ...Bullion Savings Program (BSP) Gold - 1 gram
- Bullion Savings Program (BSP) Silver - 1 gram
- Bullion Savings Program (BSP) Platinum - 1 gram

Integrated Bullion Vault
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Soothing Coin (STHCOIN) will be listed on P2PB2B, one of the top cryptocurrency exchanges, once 2000 people join their PACT community under Soothing Coin’s referral.

See the links to the announcement b...y P2PB2B for the partnership

By joining the PACT community, you not only help STHCOIN to get listed on P2PB2B, you will also receive 100 PACT tokens.

Click to next link and following instructions might be helpful for you to join and earn the tokens.

Sign Up link - EARN 100 PACT TOKENS!

In case you have any questions or troubles, P2PB2B has the authority for the final explanation. You may contact there via one of the following three ways.

Submit web request
Ask in their Telegram group
Email them at
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P2PB2B exchange is happy to announce the partnership with Soothing Coin and PACT community! And we are excited to welcome your community!


You may ask, “Why Soothing Coin?”. And we’ll say that it’s the Most GPU/ASIC Resistant & Most Accessible Coin. You can take a look at its features:

Ultra-low transaction fee

In layman's terms, that means it is simple for everyone to mine Soothing Coin (STHC) and no one has significant advantages. The proof is in the source code.

A Self-Strengthening Crypto

100% income generated by STHCOIN programs (e.g. the ad income) is given back to the community through for example the raffle program. That will build the strength that feeds itself.

Deeds for coins

Soothing Coin (STHC) is open for contributors to join. Any contribution or actions leading to that deserves a share of the project (in the form of STHC).

Ready and Easy for Merchants

A system is in place for merchants to adopt STHC for payments. With just a few lines added to the web page, your web site will be ready to accept STHC.

Smart Airdrop

Airdrop is a typical way to raise awareness. It is also typical for airdrops to be plagued by abuse. For coin earning programs at STHC, a unique system has been developed and deployed that mitigates abuse and keeps up the coin value.

White Paper

Soothing Coin (STHC) is a base coin and will support multiple applications. The project under development currently is Open Project of Anonymous Identity.

To learn more about the project:





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Silver prices have rocketed to their highest since 2013 as retail investors, egged on by messages on Reddit, pile into the market in an attempt to push up prices, although most analysts and traders say the rall...y will run out of steam.
Spot silver vaulted as high as $30.03 an ounce on Monday from $25 on Thursday morning, while shares of silver miners surged and retailers of bars and coins around the world struggled to meet demand.

But analysts say it will be extremely difficult to subject silver to the kind of short squeeze engineered last week on companies like U.S. video game store chain GameStop, which sent its shares up by hundreds of percent, and there is no shortage of the precious metal, so the market is likely to calm.

The furore began on Thursday after posts on the r/wallstreetbets Reddit message board -- the same one used to spark frenzied buying of GameStop shares -- urged investors to buy physical silver.

An early post, which quickly spread across social media, encouraged buying of iShares Silver Trust, an exchange traded fund (ETF) whose shares represent ounces of silver sitting in vaults.

This would force the fund to create new shares and buy silver to back them, exposing a shortage of supply and pushing prices up, said the post under the headline “THE BIGGEST SHORT SQUEEZE IN THE WORLD $SLV Silver 25$ to 1000$.”
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Futures Markets

Day trading gold is speculating on its short-term price movements. Physical gold is not actually handled or taken possession of, rather the transactions take place electronically and profits or losses are reflected in the trading account.

There are a number of ways to trade gold. The main way is through a futures contract. A futures contract is an agreement to buy or sell something-like gold-at a future date. Buying a gold futures contract doesn't mean you actually have to take possession of the physical commodity.

Day traders close out all contracts (trades) each day and make a profit based on the difference between the price they bought the contract and the price they sold it at. Gold futures trade on COMEX. There is a standard gold future (GC) which represents 100 troy ounces of gold, and a micro gold future (MGC), which represents 10 troy ounces.

On the futures exchange, gold moves in 0.10usd increments only. This increment is called a- tick -it is the smallest movement a futures contract can make. If you buy or sell a futures contract, how many ticks the price moves away from your entry price determines your profit or loss. To calculate your profit or loss (your trading platform will also show you, but it is good to understand how it works) you'll first need to know the tick value of the contract you are trading.

For a standard contract, the tick value is 10usd. This is because the contract represents 100 ounces of gold, and 100 ounces multiplied by the 0.10usd tick size results in 10usd. That means for each contract, a one tick movement will result in a profit or loss of 10usd. If it moves 10 ticks, you win or loss 100usd. If it moves 10 ticks and you are holding 3 contracts, your profit or loss is 300.1usd
For a micro contract, the tick value is 1usd. This is because the contract represents 10 ounces of gold, and 10 ounces multiplied by the 0.10usd tick size results in 1usd. That means for each contract, a one tick movement will result in a profit or loss of 1usd. If it moves 10 ticks, you win or loss 10usd. If it moves 10 ticks and you are holding 3 contracts, your profit or loss is 30.2usd

Gold Futures

The amount you need in your account to day trade a gold futures contract will depend on your futures broker. NinjaTrader for example requires you have 1,000usd in your account to open a position for one E-Mini Gold Futures contract. You also need enough in the account to accommodate for potential losses.

For a day trade of a standard Gold Futures (GC) contract, you need 2,000usd in your account, plus additional funds to accommodate losses.3 The amount required by your broker to open a day trading position is called Intra-day margin; it varies by the broker and is subject to change.

These figures assume you are day trading and closing out positions before the market closes each day.
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Over 20 000 people have registered to


Add USD Coin (USDC) to MINTME market pairs
Big improvements to donations module for not-logged users
Add support ...for Ethereum tokens
Direct messages improvements
Notifications settings - you can now turn them off
Add Crypto/USD switch to footer. Crypto is default again
For price in USD shows up to 4 places after a dot (min 0.0001)
Redesign of the main page, fewer unnecessary elements, more precise information
Adaptative limit of decimals for ETH tokens
Show statistics module for eth tokens
Change withdrawal authentication logic
Restrict well-known services for airdrops
Display modal after the user creates a token successfully
Add registration date to profile
Improvements for incoming new languages
Individual deposit min value and withdrawal fees for Ethereum tokens
Coinify improvements
Implement new responsive emails
Expandable description
Better backup codes
Improve post form field for content

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Only few countries today tie their currency’s value to precious metals like gold. Instead, fiat currency values are more dependent on relative exchange rates and the domestic economic health of the countries is...suing them. Many factors can lead to currency devaluation, including monetary policies, inflation, high unemployment, geo-political instability and so on. Some countries might also deliberately lower their currency valuation to stimulate their economies and promote exports.

Currency is what a nation’s economy majorly rides on. Its devaluation leads to lower purchasing power in the global arena. The resulting economic crisis can lead to depressed stock prices. During such downturns, investors are no longer concerned about generating substantial returns. Rather, they go for a risk management strategy, aiming to avoid future losses. But, if money is pulled out of the market, it doesn’t help matters. Over time, inflation diminishes the value of the currency sitting in bank accounts too.

This is why investors put their money in physical, tangible assets, like gold and silver. Precious metals are in limited supply and have inherent value that cannot be diluted. This means that they tend to keep their value intact, even during times of tough economic conditions and currency devaluation. Although the same can be said about real estate, for the average retail investor, precious metals are more logical investment vehicles. This is why their prices rise, with negative economic news. Gold is especially used as a hedge against inflation.

In short, lesser confidence in currencies in the world market drives up the price of precious metals.
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FAQ's about EUBI token

1. Can I hold, transfer and exchange EUBI token?
Yes. There are two ways to do it:

a.) Open account on and find EUBI token on
You are able to buy/sell EUBI token for BTC, ETH, and MINTME

b.) Sign-up and create MINTME wallet on and add EUBI token as custom token (down, right side)
- click +custom token
- add EUBI contract address 0x8AFA1b7a8534D519CB04F4075D3189DF8a6738C1
- add ticker EUBI
- VERY IMPORTANT - add 12 decimals !

2. How much cost me transfer of EUBI tokens?
Transfer fee is always 0.1 MINTME which is now near only 0.0003 USD. Transfer fee is FIX, no matter how much EUBI tokens you transfering.

3. To who can I transfer EUBI token?
To anyone who has MINTME web wallet. Creating wallet is easy and FREE.

4. What is a MINTME?
MINTME blockchain is a fork of ETH.

5. What is a EUBI token?
EUBI is a token of MINTME blockchain. 1 EUBI token (EUBI) represents 0.00001% stake of EUB Insurance LLC investments and every month receives profit share in MINTME.

6. Can I sell my EUBI token?
Yes, you can sell for BTC, ETH and MINTME on
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EUBI Coin website launching date: 1. February 2021

New Services!

- Crypto Wallet Insurance

- Collateral Protection for Crypto-backed Loans

- Exchange Insurance

New A...irdrop is coming! Stay tuned!

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Buy EUBI tokens

All EUBI token holders will receive EUBI COIN as BONUS.!

EUB Insurance to create its own financial services ecosystem.It opens up the insurance services market with unique new applications.

Each EUBI token holder also becomes an EUBI coin holder and receives a profit share.

The EUBI token profit sharing program will also continue as originally planned.

A detailed roadmap will be provided soon.
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