Joined: 14.05.2020   
Sumarwan, S.Pd.I             
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We have decided - with a heavy heart, to give up postponing the Crypto Valley Conference to later this year and simply report it to 2021.

The good news is that the academic part of the conference (IEEE... Computer Science Call for Papers) will still take place as planned in a digital format!

You can keep submitting papers until April 17, more info on:

Stay safe and come chat with other CVA members on
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Join us on April 17 for a talk on the past, present, and future of stablecoins.

It will also be an interactive event with live Q&A where you will have the chance to discuss with the speakers, and a... virtual neworking session with multiple thematic chat rooms!

Save the date and register on:

The discussion panel will be moderated by Biba Homsy, the head of the CVA Regulation Working Group, and will receive as speakers:

- Josh Goodbody from Binance
- Gustav Arentoft from MakerDAO
- Alexander Suhobokov, CFA, FRM from Dukascopy Bank SA
- Martin Burgherr from Sygnum Bank
- Arnaud Salomon from Mt Pelerin
- Ilya Volkov from YouHodler

Special thanks to Zoom Video Communications, Cointelegraph and BeInCrypto for their support!
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The Crypto Valley Association is holding its first online event!

Join us on April 17 for a talk on the past, present and future of stablecoins.

It will also be an interactive event with Q&A where you will have the chance to discuss with the speakers, and a virtual neworking session with multiple thematic chat rooms!

Save the date and register on:

The discussion panel will be moderated by Biba Homsy, the head of the CVA Regulation Working Group, and will receive as speakers:

- Josh Goodbody from Binance
- Gustav Arentoft from MakerDAO
- Alexander Suhobokov, CFA, FRM from Dukascopy Bank SA
- Martin Burgherr from Sygnum Bank
- Arnaud Salomon from Mt Pelerin
- Ilya Volkov from YouHodler
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Come debrief the event on Thursday with crypto investment veteran Meltem Demirors from CoinShares and other industry guests.

We introduce our event with Alex's lines, because more nodes, more miners, m...ore users, and more adoption leads to this event, -- a virtual celebration of the fact that bitcoin was invented.

We couldn't be more excited to celebrate together the 3rd halving of bitcoin, - the cryptocurrency which enables financial freedom on the individual level. The cryptocurrency network that’s open, decentralized, scarce, immutable and democratic.

In these 120 minutes we bring you the colleagues of some of the most relevant companies of the ecosphere, - which would have not existed today if bitcoin had not been created more than 11 years ago.

In the first part of our CVAvirtualseries we will hear the perception of the 3rd halving from Dominic Lohnberger, Head of Brokerage, at Sygnum Bank.

Then we take a global perspective and will talk about the following 5 topics with 5 leaders, - who have done tremendous work for the industry to unlock the potential of the "Queen of the coins":

mining with Alejandro De La Torre - VP at
security with Pascal Gauthier - CEO of Ledger
investments with Meltem Demirors - Chief Strategy Officer of CoinShares
building on top of bitcoin with Elizabeth Stark - Co-founder and CEO of Lightning Labs
research/analytics with Garrick Hileman - Head of Research at

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Recording of our online event organized by our Enterprise Blockchain Working Group, on April 21th 2020


1. Opening Speech
Enterprise Blockchain Solutions and how to bring them al...ive by Dennis Flad, Chairman CVA Enterprise Blockchain Working Group
Introduction Enterprise Blockchain Working Group by Mauro Cappiello, Co-Chair CVA Enterprise Blockchain Working Group

2. Current Solutions
Enterprise Blockchain Solutions for Digital Economy by Josh Choi, Deputy Executive MyID Alliance, Seoul
Blockchain for Luxury Goods by Pedro Lopez-Belmonte, Senior Blockchain & Solution Architect, Richemont International SA, Geneva

3. Trends in Enterprise Blockchain Solutions
Korean Trends by Prof. Sooyong Park, Blockchain and Software Engineering Lab, Sogang University, Seoul
Crypto Valley Trends by Prof. Claudio Tressone, University of Zurich Blockchain Center, Zurich

4. Panel discussion between Academia and Business
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