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Do you want to learn about Ethereum smart contracts? If you do, then you have come to the right place. In this article, we will explore smart contracts in the context of Ethereum. In fact, it was Ethereum that ...brought the concept of automation via smart contracts. It changed how blockchain technology evolved and helped shape the future of blockchain as a whole.

The rise of blockchain in recent years can also not be denied. Projects like Hyperledger and Corda are at the forefront of bringing blockchain technology to businesses all around the world.

Clearly, the blockchain concept devised from the release of the first cryptocurrency, i.e., bitcoin was not enough to meet the demand of the current generation business. With smart contracts, the new generation of blockchain technology is using different distributed ledger technologies to better suit the demands of different sectors.

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How many times you attended a conference on blockchain just to listen to one or two presentations that were important to you, and then spend the rest of the time working remotely on your smartphone?

Bu...t were you able to listen to executives from top enterprises like FedEx, WTO, Honeywell, FCI, Daimler, IBM that have directly experienced an enterprise blockchain digital transformation? Not really, right?

We are excited to invite you to the first-ever Enterprise Blcokcahin Virtual Conference

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