March 2020 Important Announcement - Fesschain  


Startups 5 years ago
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It is a challenging time for humankind when the Novel Coronavirus is claiming lives across globe. The dynamics of human life has almost stopped as everybody is home quarantined now. The impact is considerably high on the geopolitical setups and economy.

Almost every part of the world is experiencing complete lockdown for few days to weeks and it is enough to explain the severity of the situation. China and Italy are the biggest victims of this catastrophe and our sympathy goes with the family of the deceased.

Business are one of the worst hit factions because of this and operability is a major challenge faced by all organisations due to unavailability of workforce. Although internet made sure the work goes on in its best shape yet the efficiency has taken a considerable hit.

Unfortunately, the financial markets responded in the shock around the worlds be it stock ones or crypto. Commodities, stocks and tokens devalued by as high as 60–70%. Such unexpected developments made it really tough for the new projects to thrive in these bad times.

To absorb the negative impact, FESSChain has decided to delay the trading commencement (scheduled on 31st March, 2020). This decision has been made after mutual discussion with exchange and the Team members of FESSChain.
The response of investors to the Super Sale Live on Digifinex is overwhelming and we have already crossed the 13 million mark by Tuesday, 24th March 2020. Still, the CEO Mr. Durga P. Tripathi has to take this tough decision to safeguard the interests of investors and community as keeping the promises can be disastrous at the moment for the project.

  • Covid-19
  • Platform update
  • Coronavirus
  • Crypto trading
  • Global economy
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