Guess who uses block chain now ? China Courts  

Twinkle Jagawat

Adoption 4 years ago
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Chinese courts use blockchain technology accompanied by AI
China’s smart courts are reportedly applying a variety of innovative technologies including blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) to decide on millions of legal cases.
On Dec. 5, China’s official Xinhua news agency reported that more than 3.1 million Chinese litigation activities from March to October of this year were settled through the blockchain and AI-powered smart internet courts.
Smart contracts for legal proceedings
Now, the blockchain platform has started using smart contracts. During a press conference yesterday, the Hangzhou Internet Court outlined their use for automation in filing, trials, and outcomes.
Wang Jiangqiao, executive VP of the court, said: “In the case of contracts, after a traditional contract is signed, if one party defaults, the other party will spend a lot of time and effort to collect evidence and safeguard rights, and the rights protection cycle is long and costly. A smart contract is to compile the terms of a contract into computer code that runs automatically after the parties to the transaction sign.”

In these “courts of the future” citizens are able to communicate with non-human, virtual, AI-powered judges in front of multiple screens, which negates the need for them to physically appear in court
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Blockchain