Simple Rules to Avoid Scams in Crypto Airdrops.  

Heather Sinclair

Scams 3 years ago

Whilst Airdrop has been a great tool to the Crypto space unfortunately, it has always been used to manipulate people into handing over their data and money with the promise for coins that some NEVER end up receiving. To put it bluntly – a straight up SCAM. Below are some top rules to adhere to in order to prohibit this from happening to you!

An airdrop, in the cryptocurrency business, is a marketing stunt that involves sending coins or tokens to wallet addresses in order to promote awareness of a new virtual currency. Small amounts of the new virtual currency are sent to the wallets of active members of the blockchain community for free or in return for a small service, such as retweeting a post sent by the company issuing the currency.

Airdrop defined

1. Only give information that is public knowledge already. Name, email, even address and phone.

2. Never and I mean NEVER under any circumstances give your seed phrase or key to anyone -ever. At set up, all wallets state “never give out your seed phrase or key”. Most wallets will warn you of this. Please only use your seed phrase to retain your wallet. DO NOT ever share it with anyone and keep it SAFE.

3. Unless stated prior as a entry fee or doubler site, Airdrops are free, monetarily

4. Be vigilant and practise secure cyber security and intelligence. If you have signed up with a coin company by giving away your information e.c.t, and have followed all of the companies procedures, in return for coins and have not received what the company promised…this is a cause for concern. You should refrain from continuing to engage with these sorts of companies (especially if you have not been able to get in contact with them) as some companies (not all) are out to scam people or take your sensitive data for their own purposes. Engaging with any sort of crypto company is at your own discretion and risk. You should ALWAYS read all the information involved with any crypto company and the procedures involved.

5. Always do your research into companies. For example you can check the contact address/token ID on Eatherscan or BScan, If they have not given you this, this may be a RED FLAG and serious cause for concern. It is better to walk away then waste you time, money and sensitive information.

6) If you ignore all of the above and still have hope…please, please, we all beg you DON’T send ANY network test fee or any fee of any kind at all for any reason to get your Airdrop Tokens sent to your address. If you do, you will lose it. True just paid someone to lie, cheat and steal from you FACTS.

The question you must ALWAYS ask yourself…is is it really worth ever putting your personal,The question you must ALWAYS ask yourself…is is it really worth ever putting your personal, sensitive data, as well as your families in untrustworthy hands for some coins? Don’t. No. Nope. NEVER!
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