Precious metal stablecoin plugs into gold frenzy  

Matthew Allen

Stablecoins 4 years ago
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The price of gold and silver is rising in the face of a sharp economic downturn. Swiss company AgAu has chosen this moment to announce a precious metal-backed stablecoin onto the blockchain. It aims to provide better access to gold and silver and an alternative to bank-printed money.
Stablecoins are very much in vogue, especially after the launch of Facebook’s Libra project in Geneva last year. This type of digital cryptocurrency is backed by regular money or commodities that better control price fluctuations than bitcoin, whose value depends exclusively on the level of demand.

AgAu says it will store physical gold and silver in Switzerland and sell customers its tokens – each one a digital contract that grants the bearer direct ownership rights to a gram of either precious metal. The tokens would be freely traded with transactions validated and recorded on the Ethereum blockchain.

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  • Crypto news
  • Gold
  • Stablecoin
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