Battle of Nodes: Onchained — Prize Pool Increased to $60k & Registration Extended  

Elrond Network

Digital Assets 4 years ago
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$20k added to the prize pool & Registration extended until Friday 12 June
1700 nodes connected to our network & 3 Attacks foiled by our protocol
6.689 peak TPS with 1M transactions in dry-run test
Latest patch is a Mainnet Release Candidate

Our announcement of the incentivized testnet event has brought 1700 nodes to the network in only 6 days. We are therefore increasing our prize pool to $60k to keep the stakes high throughout the competition. There remains high interest from people which did not have enough time to set up their nodes, and as such, we are extending the registration period until Friday 12 June.

The dry-run has started on Thursday with 1.000 nodes connected to the network. 700 more nodes have been added since, with leading staking pools such as Binance on board, and many global participants joining on the fly, as they successfully performd the staking transactions.

Our Genesis Staking partners Helios Staking, Staking Agency, The Palm Tree Network and Viastake, together with the endlessly resourceful community leaders Frank & Margaritapaws, have been manning the battle-stations in the Onchained War Room — coordinating support activities and working around the clock to set everyone up properly.

Several of our other partners, such as Binance, Everstake, Tailpath, Easy2Stake & others are already in, with more setting up their nodes for battle as we speak.

  • Testnet
  • Staking rewards
  • Rewards
  • Nodes
  • Mainnet