Bitfury Donates Computing Power to COVID-19 Research  


Startups 4 years ago
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Today the Bitfury Group announced it has re-assigned computing power from its digital currency transaction processing operations to the Washington University "Folding at Home" project to help fight the novel coronavirus. Folding at Home is a distributed computing project which asks users to donate computing power in service of disease research.

Bitfury's collection of high-powered GPU-enabled computing nodes have been running COVID-19 calculations since March 20. To date these nodes have completed more than 1,300 calculations for the Folding at Home endeavor to analyze the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), and the company plans to scale-up its contribution significantly over time. The results from Folding at Home computations are publicly available, allowing any organization working on a vaccine, treatment or other research to use it in their work at no cost.

"At our core, our company mission is to do good," said Valery Vavilov, CEO of Bitfury. "Our contribution of highly efficient computing power pales next to the selflessness and sacrifice of our medical caregivers and essential staff on the front lines of this virus, but I am confident that this project from Folding at Home, alongside the work of many researchers and doctors, will significantly advance our understanding and treatment of this disease."

Bitfury is continuing to support and secure the Bitcoin Blockchain through its ASIC and BlockBox operations around the world. To learn more about Bitfury’s operations, visit our website.

  • Computing power
  • Donation
  • Scientific research
  • Covid-19
  • Electronic transactions