ETH spin-off ChainSecurity is taken over by PwC Switzerland  

Helena Šagud

Startups 4 years ago
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The team from ChainSecurity AG, an ETH spin-off from the Department of Computer Science, joined PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Switzerland to further accelerate market growth and product development.

The journey of ChainSecurity started with the first major hack in a popular Ethereum contract. The problem was caused by a security bug, which allowed an attacker to appropriate over 150 million USD. Shortly after the incident, researchers from the Secure, Reliable, and Intelligent Systems (SRI) Lab at the Department of Computer Science investigated the attack and explored different ways to ensure that smart contracts are free of vulnerabilities.

The group came up with a novel technique able to inspect all potentially vulnerable behaviours within minutes and published the result at the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, for which they received high recognition. Researchers from the SRI Lab implemented an open-source prototype based on the technique and made it publicly available to users.

The positive feedback from smart contract developers and the need for securing smart contracts led to the incorporation of ChainSecurity AG in October 2017.


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  • Blockchain
  • Smart Contracts
  • Crypto news
  • Blockchain news
  • Science