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Jen Bauer             
in Blockchain since 2016
I am leaving today for the distant shores of the new technology. Blockchain technology
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Assistez en direct à ma prochaine revue de marché #ICHIMOKU consacrée au marché du Forex des Indices et des Cryptos
Lundi 15 mars à 10 heures
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Jen has commented "XRP 💪"

Yummy - this week, BAO "snacked" up the first spot!
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Yummy - this week, BAO "snacked" up the first spot!
Do you see your faves 😉
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Jen has commented "I think you.."

I entered into blockchain for the disruptive and innovative technology. Watching it grow over the year has been a blast for me as well as other supporters, I'm sure.

But what I learned over the years t...hat very good chunk of people have no clue about Bitcoin and the blockchain technology behind it. They are here because of the profits and money grab. You cannot really call them supporters or adopters because at the first sign of profit trouble, they are out. IF they can't make any money, it's bye-bye for them.

I've talked to a lot of people, some really interested in the tech and some not at all and this is what makes me sad every time I think about it.

People don't understand the technology, they don't want to understand it and they don't care about it, only thing they care about is money. They heard it's good money to be made there.
When you listen to them talk, you instantly realize that they have no idea what they are talking about, nothing makes sense and they are just trying to sell you something they themselves don't understand. When you challenge them on the subject they avoid it with more nonsense or try to intimidate you by raising their voice.

There are of course people who deeply understand the technology and are very involved, which is a breath of fresh air, but every so often you stumble upon the other kind.

I can understand people looking to make a quick buck and then getting hooked up, but to never trying to understand the technology or even care about it seem like a bad news for blockchain/crypto

Just look at some scam coins like OneCoin and Bitconnect. They grabbed their money, and now they are gone, dropped from the face of the earth.
Ian Balina, withdrew his BTC in 2018 and you don't hear from him ever.
John Mcafee, where is he now? He shilled crypto so hard few years ago and now you don't hear about him.
and many many more.....

One time I got connected with a person who was a friend of a friend, interested in doing business together, rich and influential but had no knowledge of blockchain. The first thing he asked me was "is this a scam or a pyramid scheme?"... even before I could say anything.
That was his perception of Bitcoin, blockchain and crypto.

These types of people make the industry and technology look bad altogether.
However, bad marketing is marketing also. At least people hear about Bitcoin and blockchain.


Is this how adoption takes place? Bunch of people who are in it for the money and scram at the first sign of trouble?
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Le pays d’Europe le plus ouvert aux cryptomonnaies ? Selon les dires de la branche espagnole de Bitpanda, 5 millions d’Espagnols détiendraient déjà des actifs crypto…

La nouvelle a été rapportée par le... média local El Economista, qui a interrogé Alejandro Zala, le responsable de Bitpanda en Espagne. L’homme explique que ces 5 millions de personnes qui investissent dans la cryptomonnaie en Espagne correspondent à… 10 % de la population au total, soit un des taux d’adoption les plus élevés d’Europe, avec l’Irlande.Show more >

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Did you hear this on Wednesday? Institutions are just getting started with Bitcoin. Coinbase dat...a shows some of them likely bought BTC above $30k. If that’s true, any dips might not last for long.Show more >

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Jen has commented "Depends on your.."

ETH mining rigs?
4 years ago


Guys, can anyone recommend good ETH mining rigs and where to buy them?
What is the most reliable rig and seller?

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Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is the buzz-phrase of the moment. But the Swiss National Bank (SNB) says producing digital Swiss francs for the general public would create many problems with unclear benefi...ts. The Swiss government has backed up the central bank word for word.

And it turns out that an SNB issued digital Swiss franc for institutional players (such as banks) is not a done deal either. “We are conducting cutting-edge research in this area but there are no plans to issue a wholesale CBDC at this time,” says the SNB’s Head of Banking Operations Sébastien Kraenzlin.

“Central banks need to be ready to respond promptly to market developments,” he adds. “There won’t be a Big Bang move of the financial market infrastructure into the DLT world, but possibly more of a transition where existing and new financial market infrastructures co-exist.”

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