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laura berzina             
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Earn Crypto Together
4 years ago


Details :
Referral Program consists of three levels

Level 1 - Every invite will get 5 KULAP Token each, invite up to 10 accounts you will get level up.
Level 2 - Every invite will get 10 KULAP ...Token each, invite up to 10 accounts (Total 20 accounts) you will get level up.
Level 3 - From this level every invite will get 15 KULAP Token each.

For example, If you invited friend 35 people and then How many receive KULAP token?
First 10 people, You received 50 KULAP token.
And 10 people later, You received 100 KULAP token.
And 10 people later, You received 150 KULAP token.
And 5 people later, You received 75 KULAP token.
Finally, you total received 375 KULAP token.

Important Notice:
KULAP reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of the referral program at any time.
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Download Brave
4 years ago


🤩🤩 Brave rewards 7.50$ (Bat Tokans) per referral 🤑
🤩🤩 Bat Tokan price 0.37$ 🤑

Follow this Step :
1. Download Brave : -

2. Sign up publishers Brave : - <>

3. Make Brave the Default Browser in your Android or IOS phone

4. Use Brave Browser everyday to Search, view News, Articles or watch Videos & more

5. Add your youtube channel or website

6. Share your referral link on Social Media

7. Pay 8th of every month in your uphold wallet ( if not, plz create one: )

8. Inbox me for payment proof. 😀HAPPY EARNING🤑
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Gram Airdrop/Bounty 🚀. Legit & paying.
Sign up here:
Gram500 $1000 €950
Complete 2 level

Sign up by : 🚀
⭐️ Google Account
⭐️ Facebook

Sign U...p Bonus :
🌕 10 Gram
Ways to Earn :
🧩 Roll Every Hour (win up to 1000 Gram)
🧩 Watch Video
🧩 Invite ( 5 Gram )
🧩 Claim smart-contracts daily
Minimum withdrawal threshold 👇500Gram=$1000 €950

💰💸💵 Withdraw when you reach 500 GRAM via:
💵 Bitcoin
💵 Paypal
💵 Payoneer
💵 Payeer
💵 VISA Card and Master

1 GRAM = $3.70
Free 10G RAM
Per claim 0.1- 1000gram
No investment

Complete 2 level!
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Erg Tokens
4 years ago


Claim free bonus $ 5

ERG Network has 4 levels of referral program

For each purchase of ERG tokens by your referral, you will receive ET...H to your personal address

Level 1 - 0.08 LINK and 10% of the referral's purchase amount

Level 2 - 0.05 LINK and 7% of the referrals purchase amount

Level 3 - 0.03 LINK and 5% of the referral's purchase amount

Level 4 - 0.01 LINK and 3% of the referral's purchase amount

The more you invite friends, the more you earn

Don't forget to enter your address for automatic ETH accrual when your referrals buy ERG tokens

If your referral bought tokens in the amount of 1 ETH, then you will receive 0.1 ETH immediately to your personal ETH address

The note:
If you did not enter your ETH address, then the amount is credited to your ERG Network account

The referral campaign is valid until January 2021.
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Trust money!
4 years ago


New invitations to EARN FREE crypto on COIN :
1) Create your free wallet here :
$ 50 in Stellar and $ 43 Band and
$ 59 Compound
43$ in Band➡ 2)
50$ in Stellar➡ 3)
59$ in Compound - 4)
They are convertible into USD Dollar or Bitcoins

Watch “How to EARN FREE cryptocoins for free” on Vimeo:
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laura has commented "New invitations to.."

Dogecoin comes up on top for the first time! 🥳
Discover new treasures here:

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laura has commented "New invitations to.."


ZENZO Core v2.1.0 is a highly recommended, but non-mandatory update. This release is available for all of the main operating systems that includes Windows, Mac, and Linux. Version 2.1.0 has a ...wide range of improvements on the network side, as well as the client side. Some of these updates include: a decentralized price display (next to the balance in the GUI, which currently only displays USD, but plans are to include other fiat price tickers and cryptocurrency price tickers), Masternode.conf hot-reloading (users no longer have to restart their wallet to start their masternodes), ZNZ burning (users can now not only burn ZNZ in the debug console, but they can include a unique message that will show on-chain of up to 80 bytes of data), scam protection (when a user types a command in the debug console that could expose private information, they are warned that this may be a scam and not to share this information with anyone), and improved performance and interaction with the ZENZO Forge.

Key Features & Updates:
- Decentralized Price Display (USD)
- Masternode.conf Hot-Reloading (No Restart Needed)
- ZNZ Burning & On-Chain Messaging
- ZENZO Wall (Displays ZNZ Burn Messages in Real-time)
- Scam Protection Warnings (Debug Console)
- Improved Performance & Interaction with the ZENZO Forge
- Increased Security & Stability
- Patch CVE-2018–17145 (INVDoS exploit)

Download the latest ZENZO Core v2.1.0 here!
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laura has commented "New invitations to.."

DeFi, or decentralized finance, finally found its footing this year, with numerous DeFi tokens and protocols gaining widespread traction amongst crypto users. Powered by smart contract technology, innovations l...ike yield farming have allowed everyday users to earn unprecedented interest on their crypto assets.
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