Charles Hoskinson on the Power of Crypto, Working From Home, and Mongolian Hunting Falcons  


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“Crypto Titans” is a series of personal interviews conducted by CoinMarketCap with prominent and forward-thinking minds tinkering on and behind the scenes of the cryptocurrency landscape. Click here to see all the Crypto Titan interviews up to today!

Charles Hoskinson is one of the founders of Ethereum, the current CEO of IOHK (which built Cardano, currently ranked 13 on CMC) and a lifelong mathematician. He’s been interviewed on Larry King (finally making his mother proud of what he does), taught a Bitcoin class online for 80,000 and seemingly mastered the art of working from home. Yet when you get him talking about crypto, the conversation can easily end up in Mongolia. Why, you might ask? Because, according to Hoskinson: “It’s crypto friendly now, Mongolia. And we’ll be there forever. It takes a little while to get some things done, but it’s a good place.”

Read on to find out what else crypto, Charles Hoskinson and Mongolia have in common.

What was the jump that got you started in the crypto industry?

I got involved in cryptocurrency in 2011. I mined a little bit, I traded a little bit. Somebody dropped by my office a paper, the Bitcoin white paper. I read it, and I went to, and I went to Reddit. I had a great chance and an opportunity to meet a lot of cool and interesting people.

But I didn’t professionally get involved until 2013, and how I did that was through education. I created a free course on Udemy called “Bitcoin or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Crypto.” I ended up getting over 80,000 students.

It gave me a great opportunity to meet everybody. I met Adam Levine, Andreas Antonopolous, Roger Ver, Eric Voorhees and all these other wonderful people in the space. I leveraged that to start a cryptocurrency business. I started a company called Invictus Innovations, and we built Bitshares with, of all people, Dan Larimer, ironically.

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