Giveback Heroes Send Gift Code Care Packages to Pandemic Fighters and Victims  

Draper Goren Holm

Service Providers 4 years ago
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Draper Goren Holm and Giftz join forces to launch Giveback Heroes, a COVID-19 recovery initiative that provides gift code relief to those in need.

Los Angeles, CA — July 23, 2020 — Draper Goren Holm is pleased to announce that it is joining forces with portfolio company Rewards Media, Inc., (“Giftz” or “Company”) to send eGift Card Aid (Care Packages) to the families of first responders, frontline workers and those struggling financially due to the pandemic.

The politicization of COVID-19 has drowned the voices of hundreds of thousands of businesses forced to close across the country — leaving millions of families without an income. We are about to be hit by a tidal wave of lockdown repercussions and Giveback Heroes is ready to fight back by inspiring people to give back.

Alon Goren, Founding Partner of Draper Goren Holm, stated, “What I love about this initiative is when we donate brand value (versus cash) it ultimately reaches two beneficiaries — the merchant and the family in need.”

Need help? Tell your story at to be eligible for Gift Aid.

Giveback Heroes Mission

Giveback Heroes is an apolitical, socioeconomic recovery initiative collaborating with cause-minded organizations & individuals to provide contact-free, gift code care packages for the heroes & victims of COVID-19 lockdowns & social unrest, while collectively stimulating merchant economies.

Become a Giveback Hero, and your tax-deductible contribution will provide mobile, touch-free, Back2Normal eGift CarePacks for the heroes and victims of COVID-19.

  • Funding
  • Crypto Donations
  • Pandemic
  • Covid-19
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