Turn your ELT into Bitcoin  


Bitcoin 5 years ago
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Here’s an offer you can’t refuse: take part in this special WinCoins auction for ELT holders, where you can win 1 WHOLE BITCOIN!

Have you got auction gaming skills?

This is your chance to show off your gaming skills in this WinCoins auction, where you can WIN 1 BITCOIN for less than 10€.

All you have to do is make the HIGHEST UNIQUE bid!
Want to know how to play?

Here’s an example of how to make your bid/s for a prize of 1 BitCoin.

Go to the auction and decide what you want to bid. You won’t be able to see the other people’s bids. And they won’t be able to see your bid.

Make your bid, e.g. 9.37€. If nobody else has bid 9.37€ your bid stands as unique. If somebody else has already bid 9.37€ then you will be notified that your bid is a duplicate, or a ‘burn bid’.
If you make a ‘burn bid’, you can bid again as many times as you like.

What you want to achieve is ‘the HIGHEST UNIQUE bid’. It must be lower than the Max price set for the auction you participate to win. You will see your unique bid marked green in the bid list.

It is not like an auction in which you have to keep bidding higher to win. It is about to have the highest unique bid at the end, so you can place the bid you want. It doesn’t need to be higher that your previous bid(s). If nobody makes the same bid as you during the duration of the auction, your bid stays valid.

You will be able to see the position of your bid during the auction. If your unique bid is sitting at №10 position, you may want to make other bids if you want to aim for the winning №1 spot. You can also reach №1 spot if you, or someone else, places the same bid as the unique above you. If that happens, the unique bid will be burned as ‘now out’ and you will move one spot up. If this happens with all the unique bid above you, you will have reached spot 1.

Each auction lasts for an unspecified length of time. A countdown clock will notify players when the bidding is about to be closed. This clock will start when the “bids left” indicator has reach 0.

  • Bitcoin
  • Auction
  • Bidding
  • Crypto lending
  • Gaming
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