Profile of Henry Marshall — Founder & Director of AXMachine Blockchain Service Private Limited!   

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Market 2 months ago
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Henry Marshall is a great personality also familiar as the founder & director of AXMachine Blockchain Services Private Limited. He is an influencer behind an organization that emphasizes to revolutionize the decentralized finance industry by utilizing blockchain innovation. The fame is also the creator of AXMachine which is a collaborative project for the common user, investors, and enthusiasts to leverage the most innovative DeFi solutions including a secure web3 wallet (AXWallet), a centralized exchange platform (AxTrade), and a smart contract development tool (AXMachine Labs).

While analysing his LinkedIn profile, you will get to know his expertise having over 10 years of experience in the blockchain industry. He has also worked as a project manager, a software engineer, and a consultant for majority firms. Henry Marshall holds a bachelor’s degree in computer science pursued from the University of Oxford along with a higher master’s degree in cryptography acquired from the University of Cambridge.

Being a passionate charisma in terms of education and empowerment, he believes that blockchain technology has the power to derive opportunities for common users regardless of their background or expertise. Apart from their educational background, he is also an avid 3D printer enthusiast having hacked his 3D printer to print in almost two dimensions. As far as family details, he has a stay in London, United Kingdom living with his wife and two children.

By deriving AXMachine which is an innovative cryptocurrency project to leverage the overall protocols/concepts of blockchain technology and initiate a unique and rewarding binary referral system. This first of its kind DeFi ecosystem will offer every user an opportunity to earn passive income by staking assets referring new participants to the network and much more. For more information you can refer to the official lite paper that outlines the core features benefits, and technical aspects of the project to get a clearer view of the entire ecosystem.

Motive to Make a DeFi Ecosystem Like Never Before!

Today everyone knows about DeFi and the terms, clauses, and challenges related to this term which uses blockchain technology and smart contracts in order to offer countless financial services replacing the need for intermediaries. For years, this domain has been growing rapidly to drive and boast various benefits including transparency accessibility efficiency and innovation.

However you will agree that the same sector has also faced major significant challenges that are still hidden and need to be addressed before coming to mainstream adoption. Henry Marshall intends to sort out the challenges and is working on the worst to bring the best for the community. Here are some points that the team hierarchised below the personality are solving with calculable solutions that no community members find difficult to enter the Defi market.