Trump Impeachment Looks like a Bitcoin 51% Attack  

Dejan Kralj

Bitcoin 4 years ago
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"51% Attack is defined as a situation where more than half of the computer power running a blockchain are controlled by one person or one group of people with evil intentions. That person or group with the majority power can manipulate transactions in their favor."

No matter if you're right or wrong, the truth is decided by majority, by your followers. The more you have them the more power you have and you can make your own laws.

When you think about it Dollar is completely controlled by FED, they have the ultimate power over it and can do what they want.
Bitcoin is decentralized and still in the hands of many. That could change however, but for now there is still none that has more than 51% control.
Maybe Satoshi :)

Full Story:
  • Trump
  • Blockchain
  • Bitcoin
  • Cryptocurrency